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Tobacco Cessation

Everyone nowadays is aware of the risks of smoking. But that doesn’t mean quitting is easy. Wayne HealthCare is committed to educating and helping those in our community take a step toward healthier living by choosing to quit smoking.

How can Wayne HealthCare help me quit smoking?

The Freshstart Tobacco Cessation Program

The program consits of four FREE one-hour sessions. All of the methods and activities contain the most effective elements for success. The single most important element is YOU – and your dedication to fight the addiction to nicotine that makes you want to smoke. Freshstart can be your start to a new life without cigarettes!

  • Location: Wellness Center
  • Cost: Free to all registered participants
  • For more information call (937) 547-5917

Is there still an Ohio quit line?

When the Ohio Tobacco Prevention Foundation recently ceased operations, many Ohioans incorrectly thought the Ohio Tobacco Quit Line – 1.800.QUIT.NOW – had ceased operations with it. Rest assured, the quit line has not quit on you.

The Ohio Tobacco Quit Line is now housed at the Ohio Department of Health and continues to provide invaluable assistance to smokers who want to kick the tobacco habit. Tobacco counselors are available to help you from 9:00 am. to 11:00 pm Monday-Friday and from 10:00 am to 6:30 pm Saturday and Sunday. Soon-to-be-former smokers can also leave a message 24 hours a day and request a call-back time that is convenient for them. Service is available in 150 languages and TTY service is available for the deaf and hard of hearing at (888) 229-2182.

Smokers who want to quit are much more successful when they take advantage of services such as the Ohio Tobacco Quit Line. Indeed, only five percent of those who try to quit smoking cold turkey are successful, compared to 22 percent who use the quit line. You have nothing to lose – except for a nasty habit that is the leading cause of preventable death – and everything to gain.

Call the Ohio Tobacco Quit Line today at 800.QUIT.NOW (800) 784-8669 or (888) 229-2182 for TTY service. You and your loved ones will be glad you did.