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Employee Of The Month: Phil Frech

phil frech


NAME: Phil Frech

DEPARTMENT: Information Services


SPECIAL EXPERIENCE OR FAVORITE MOMENT AT WAYNE HEALTHCARE: I enjoy helping others and I try to put myself in the end users place. I try to treat others in a way in which I would like to be treated and respected. For some time many companies have done away with employee incentives in which to never bring them back, and I am very grateful for all that WHC does for its employees(i.e. Cook Outs, Holiday Dinners, Nurses Week, WHAM, etc.) Wayne HealthCare has a great team here and a lot of “Awesome” people to work with!

FAMILY: I have 3 children and two grandchildren that I enjoy spending time with and spoiling rotten. The best part about being a grandparent is giving the grandchild what they want even when the parents say “NO”. Of course I’m not going to listen to my kids, they’re my boss babies!

HOBBIES: I attend EUM Church and am very active in the many opportunities in serving; areas such as Dartball, Awana, Church Camp and Adult Bible study groups.

REASON SELECTED FOR EOM: I had to work remotely and needed to have a computer ready for me by the IT Department. Phil came to my office over several days to show me and repeat all the steps to log in remotely and how to get to my desktop from a different location. Phil also emailed me the week i was away to see if i was okay and if i had any issues. He was very patient and helpful! He went out of his way to make sure I knew what I was doing and I had no issues while away from the hospital. Thank you Phil!

Nominated by Meghan Schwieterman

VALUES DEMONSTRATED: Compassion, Positive Attitude, Leadership and Accountability